Tuesday, September 8, 2009

See, Think, Wonder

Since we are about to begin reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, today we examined the historical context in which C.S. Lewis set his story. We used the "See, Think, Wonder" thinking routine as we viewed photos and a video about the London Blitz. As we studied the pictures, we realized children (just like Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy) were being evacuated from their homes because of the air raids in London during World War II. After we participated in the thinking routine, we watched this video which enhanced our understanding of what was happening during that time.

As we read this incredible story, we will continue to discuss what it means to "read like a Crusader." We know it is important to be an active reader, not a lazy reader! What does that mean to you? How do you plan to read like a Crusader this year?

1 comment:

buchanan d said...

I feel sorry for those kids don't you